I was cursed with short, sparse eyelashes. It makes little sense to me, because the hair on my head is as thick and long as can be - you'd think some of that fullness could have transferred to my eyelashes. But it didn't, so I'm forced to deal with my lack of eyelashes on a daily basis. Thus, I'm on a constant quest for the miracle mascara that can transform my lashes into long lusciousness.
But my biggest gripe about most of the mascaras that I've tried is that they deposit icky black clumps on my lashes. Yeah, that looks really natural. If I'm trying to hide the fact that I'm lacking in the lash department, a clumpy fringe blows my cover.
That's why I was so excited to try a mascara with the new, "revolutionary" brush that, rather than the typical nylon bristles, has rubber bristles. Such bristles, the companies claim, help deposit the mascara more evenly for fewer clumps.
An answer to my prayers - this was just what I had been looking for. On a weekly Target run, I picked up a tube of Cover Girl's Lash Exact (available at any drugstore for around $6). I, being the product junkie that I am, like to try things out as soon as I get them. So I went home, cleaned off my eye makeup, curled my lashes (which is a must for my feeble fringe), and carefully applied the mascara. I stepped back, looked in the mirror, and voila! My lashes were separated, long, and natural looking! It was, indeed, a miracle!
I've been using their mascara ever since. But what I was still lacking when I used the product was volume. I had the long, clump-free lashes of my dreams, but they were still a little puny in the grand scheme of things. I discovered a formula for semi-clump-free, voluminous lashes when I tried layering a second coat of Benefit's BadGal Lash (which gives serious volume, but deposits the typical clumps). It was a workable solution for those nights out when I wanted to make my eyes pop. But it was growing tiresome having to constantly tote two mascaras around.
Then I saw the commercials for Cover Girl's follow-up to Lash Exact: Volume Exact. My prayers were answered! A volume mascara that had the revolutionary anti-clump brush! But would it, could it, work? I turned to one of my most trusted sources for answers: MakeupAlley (MUA). If you love makeup, or even just want some basic questions answered, this website's message board is the perfect place to turn. I posted a question asking for reviews of the mascara. I expected the MUAers to sing its praises, but the responses were less than praiseworthy. Many said that Lash Exact was much better than the new Volume Exact. Some said it was clumpy. And others said it was okay.
Given the mixed reviews, I decided to try for myself. As much as I hate to say it, I'm sorely disappointed. Granted, I've only been using it for two days, and I was in a rush to get ready in the morning both days. Thus, my mascara application time was shorter than usual. Regardless, however, when I put this stuff on, there is very little volume and even some *gasp!* clumping! I'll give it another week with more careful application, but my first impression of this product is that you'd be better off with the original version. Who needs volume when you can happily live clump-free?
But my biggest gripe about most of the mascaras that I've tried is that they deposit icky black clumps on my lashes. Yeah, that looks really natural. If I'm trying to hide the fact that I'm lacking in the lash department, a clumpy fringe blows my cover.
That's why I was so excited to try a mascara with the new, "revolutionary" brush that, rather than the typical nylon bristles, has rubber bristles. Such bristles, the companies claim, help deposit the mascara more evenly for fewer clumps.
An answer to my prayers - this was just what I had been looking for. On a weekly Target run, I picked up a tube of Cover Girl's Lash Exact (available at any drugstore for around $6). I, being the product junkie that I am, like to try things out as soon as I get them. So I went home, cleaned off my eye makeup, curled my lashes (which is a must for my feeble fringe), and carefully applied the mascara. I stepped back, looked in the mirror, and voila! My lashes were separated, long, and natural looking! It was, indeed, a miracle!

Then I saw the commercials for Cover Girl's follow-up to Lash Exact: Volume Exact. My prayers were answered! A volume mascara that had the revolutionary anti-clump brush! But would it, could it, work? I turned to one of my most trusted sources for answers: MakeupAlley (MUA). If you love makeup, or even just want some basic questions answered, this website's message board is the perfect place to turn. I posted a question asking for reviews of the mascara. I expected the MUAers to sing its praises, but the responses were less than praiseworthy. Many said that Lash Exact was much better than the new Volume Exact. Some said it was clumpy. And others said it was okay.

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